Trees – more spiritual fruit, less religious nuts

August 18th, 2012 by


“You will know them by their fruits”.  Reminds me of the billboard proclaiming that God wants spiritual fruit not religious nuts.  The photos here were all taken in this country but I’ve been amazed to discover how many times trees get mentioned in the Bible.  I’m reflecting on a few of them in tomorrow’s services.  Fruit trees appear in the Genesis story of creation – along with plants the first vegetation to appear on dry land, crucially containing seed. So the importance of seed was recognised all those years ago.  To those of us used to buying seed in packets, and to those who take out patents on seeds, a bit more reflection wouldn’t go amiss.

In the book of Judges there’s a parable of trees looking to choose a king but each recognising that  their own unique gifts are more important than lording it over the other trees.  So the olive knows how important its oil is, the fruits of the fig are delicious, the vine produces wine which cheers gods and mortals.  Finally the bramble agrees to be king –  a mixed blessing which made the original listeners realise they hadn’t acted with the best of motives.

Trees are fascinating.  They can be tiny and fragile, or huge and imposing.  They can cling on in unlikely places, and the strongest looking once blown down in a gale can turn out to have surprisingly shallow roots.  Lots of scope for parallels with human life.  I’m tempted to suggest we all go outside tomorrow and choose a tree to look at or sit under.  But I guess I’ll not go that far so I’d better go and write a bit more for the morning.   Spiritual fruit, not religious nuts – better not get the seeds mixed up.


The Poisonwood Bible

August 17th, 2012 by

I’ve just finished reading The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.  What a brilliant book.  I first read it over ten years ago.  I was initially reluctant because it looked like it might just be about the worst of religion.  I knew enough about that.  But it has so much more depth to it than a superficial swipe at Christians getting it wrong.  The numerous ways we can get it wrong could be summed up by the phrase “Jesus is bangala”.  Depending on the exact pronunciation of “bangala” this either means “Jesus is precious” or “Jesus is poisonwood”.  Suspicious of the interpreter, the preacher tries to use the local language himself and you can guess which message he often ends his ranting sermons with. There is a lot of fascinating play with language – from the daughter who constantly gets words slightly wrong, to the one who deliberately turns words round and can read back to front as easily as forwards.  I was much more aware of this on my second reading (or perhaps I just hadn’t remembered it so clearly).

There are the vastly different characters of the mother and four daughters with the legacy they each carry of their supposedly similar experiences – experiences in the Congo and of their family.  There’s the learning curve of realising how much labels can mislead – whether the label is to do with race, colour, religion, politics, gender, disability, love, hate, family….  Any label has limitations.  Maybe this is all sounding very worthy and I suppose it is.  But it’s also a really good read in the best tradition of family sagas.  Each of Kingsolver’s books that I’ve read has been very different.  She obviously does a huge amount of research.  I look forward to trying other titles and re-reading those already on my shelves.

Public Transport

August 16th, 2012 by

Garden & Art Opportunity

There is a link between the phone box and public transport – read on!

Bit of a break since my last posting. With less than 3 weeks to go now till our trip I’m going to try and get into it more.

In the last few days I’ve seen the best and worst of public transport provision.  Facebook friends may have seen that I chased the bus in my car to get Martyn onto it.  That only works if you have immediate access to a car.  A friend waited for buses for well over 2 hours, eventually accepting a lift from someone.  Timetables are confusing. Buses don’t always come when they say they will, or they do come when you’re not expecting them.  On our spur of the road you can’t be sure which direction the bus will be coming. If there’s a logic it’s not immediately obvious.

But today I got the train into Oban £3.70 with Highland railcard. Got there 11.30, got a few things done, had lunch with my mum, did a few more things, and got a bus back leaving 2.10 (£6.60), home 2.50.  Not cheap but then neither would using the car have been cheap.  I read on the train, enjoyed the view on the way back.  Chatted to various people I knew both on the streets, and on train and bus.  If public transport was always as easy and pleasant as that perhaps a lot more people would use it.

So why this photo? Not knowing his involvement, a bus driver told Martyn that he slows down and tells his passengers to look at this phone box.  There are tomatoes and mint in it now and plans afoot for various artistic creations.  If it brightens up the journey, and slows the bus on that little bit of road, that’s a bonus.



Never a dull moment

July 4th, 2012 by

Last week we celebrated Martyn’s 60th on Iona – best weather of the week and a great time. Then Paul’s graduation in Glasgow on Friday. Proud parents (though wondering where the years have gone). And another good day, not counting the weather.
This week Strath, our older dog, had a huge op at short notice but is coping well and looks fetching in a Homeless World Cup tshirt which she’ll need if she seems inclined to scratch. The fashion item of choice for the right on dog.
And now I’m putting together a funeral for Friday, a wedding for Saturday, and the two services for Sunday.
Knit & Natter this afternoon. Home Care Provision meeting and Community Council tonight.
Life is nothing if not varied.

Quite content to support the Homeless World Cup


June 19th, 2012 by

The realities that others face on a daily basis comes home to me when I consider the range of injections we face over the next few weeks.  Yellow Fever, and 3 for Rabies, boosters for Typhoid and Hepatitis A. Plus malaria tablets which may cause hallucinations and need to be changed before we travel.  I’ll need to remember to take that first tablet after Sunday morning, not before.  I imagine hallucinating is bad enough without doing it from the pulpit!  Mostly I’m grateful that we don’t face all these dangers in our own country.  Although it’s easy to get complacent – Lymes disease and Legionnaires are two nasties in the news more often of late.  So perhaps most of all I’m grateful for the medical facilities we have here and hope the day will come when people around the world can take for granted what we expect here.

Learning Curve

June 18th, 2012 by

Looking at my 1st post which I hadn’t given a title, I discovered it was coming up with the title “I’ve been thin…”  Now I’ve been fortunate not to ever have given much thoughts to weight and size issues in my life and think such issues get too much attention so the title was definitely misleading.  Actually how I’d started my post was “I’ve been thinking”.  So now I know – give it a title, or beware!  I changed the title to “Why blog?”

But perhaps “I’ve been thin” could lead to a post about being vegetarian, organic gardening and agriculture, local food, the politics of food, Mary’s Meals, Christian Aid …  watch this space.

Wooly Octopus

June 17th, 2012 by

I’ve got back into knitting over the last few years. This little octopus was my first foray into “making it up as I go along”. 

All made from the ends of wool left after making socks.

Why blog?

June 17th, 2012 by

I’ve been thinking about blogging for awhile and kept putting it off.  With a trip to Peru & the USA coming up it seems a good time to get into it so that I know what I’m doing (more or less) before I want to be posting on a regular basis.

The study leave which will take us across the Atlantic is focussing on Arts & Crafts in Ministry and Worship.  It will start with a Traidcraft Meet the People tour in Peru.  Then we’ll stay for a few days with friends outside New York before treating ourselves to a couple of days at Niagara Falls to celebrate our silver wedding anniversary.  We don’t usually go on exotic holidays so the fact that the trip coincides is a wonderful coincidence (if you want to call it that).  We’ll fly from Niagara to north Carolina where I’ll take part in Gathering of Artisans, including me leading a knitting workshop.

As well as planning for the study leave I am trying to work out how to reduce our carbon footprint to go some way to making up for all those airmiles.

Looking forward to writing more on all sorts of subjects.  I hope at least a few folk will enjoy reading. Feedback welcomed and encouraged!

Hello world!

June 17th, 2012 by

Pause for Thought

April 15th, 2012 by

Living God, however poor our prayer is, we search for you with confidence.
And your love carves out a way forward through our hesitations and even through our doubts.
Brother Roger, Founder of the Taize Community

In our churches, week by week, we read the scriptures, pray together, sing hymns and songs and listen to thoughts on the Bible stories. In doing so, we share with people attending worship all over the world. One of the important things that happens on a Sunday is that we gather for tea and coffee, conversation and the sharing of joys and sorrows. We try to remember to make visitors welcome and comfortable because church is a place where all are included in the love of God.  Every day we seek to live out a growing faith. As you read this page, you are included in the love and prayers of us all.

If you would like to, we invite you to join in this meditation borrowed from Sacred Space Prayer Community.

In the silence of my innermost being,
in the fragments of my yearned-for wholeness,
can I hear the whispers of God’s presence?
Can I remember when I felt God’s nearness?
When we walked together and I let myself
be embraced by God’s love.
Loving God, guide us throughout our lives in our journey
towards your love and light.

God, the well-spring of our life,
pour into our hearts the living water of your grace
that, refreshed by you,
we may live this day in steadfast reliance on your strength;
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.