
June 19th, 2012 by

The realities that others face on a daily basis comes home to me when I consider the range of injections we face over the next few weeks.  Yellow Fever, and 3 for Rabies, boosters for Typhoid and Hepatitis A. Plus malaria tablets which may cause hallucinations and need to be changed before we travel.  I’ll need to remember to take that first tablet after Sunday morning, not before.  I imagine hallucinating is bad enough without doing it from the pulpit!  Mostly I’m grateful that we don’t face all these dangers in our own country.  Although it’s easy to get complacent – Lymes disease and Legionnaires are two nasties in the news more often of late.  So perhaps most of all I’m grateful for the medical facilities we have here and hope the day will come when people around the world can take for granted what we expect here.