Prayer Diary December 2011

November 26th, 2011 by

Some suggestions to include in your prayers this month:

  1. World Aids Day
  2. Those serving in the emergency services
  3. International Day of Disabled Persons
  4. Second Sunday in Advent
  5. Those working to alleviate the effects of climate change
  6. The Work of Christian Aid in the East African drought crisis
  7. Those suffering from mental health problems
  8. Those who are persecuted for their faith
  9. Those working in the education of adults
  10. UN Human Rights Day
  11. Third Sunday in Advent
  12. Families under stress
  13. Those suffering due to corruption
  14. Those caring for friends and relatives
  15. The work of Christian Aid in rebuilding Haiti after the earthquake
  16. Those working in the education of children
  17. Those suffering from physical health problems
  18. Fourth Sunday in Advent
  19. Those living in the Occupied Territories across the world
  20. Those working in the ministry, and their families, at this
  21. Those parishes in vacancy, seeking new leadership
  22. The work of Christian Aid in the famine in West Africa
  23. Those facing their first Christmas alone
  24. Those who will give their time this Christmas to help others
  25. Christmas Day
  26. Those in the Armed Forces serving overseas, and their families
  27. Those in hospital over Christmas, and those caring for them
  28. Holy Innocents Day
  29. The work of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in providing health care in areas of conflict
  30. Those working as nurses in hospitals and in the community
  31. The many blessings of the past year

Suggestions for a January edition are most welcome.