Living God, however poor our prayer is, we search for you with confidence.
And your love carves out a way forward through our hesitations and even through our doubts.
Brother Roger, Founder of the Taize Community
In our churches, week by week, we read the scriptures, pray together, sing hymns and songs and listen to thoughts on the Bible stories. In doing so, we share with people attending worship all over the world. One of the important things that happens on a Sunday is that we gather for tea and coffee, conversation and the sharing of joys and sorrows. We try to remember to make visitors welcome and comfortable because church is a place where all are included in the love of God. Every day we seek to live out a growing faith. As you read this page, you are included in the love and prayers of us all.
If you would like to, we invite you to join in this meditation borrowed from Sacred Space Prayer Community.
In the silence of my innermost being,
in the fragments of my yearned-for wholeness,
can I hear the whispers of God’s presence?
Can I remember when I felt God’s nearness?
When we walked together and I let myself
be embraced by God’s love.
Loving God, guide us throughout our lives in our journey
towards your love and light.
God, the well-spring of our life,
pour into our hearts the living water of your grace
that, refreshed by you,
we may live this day in steadfast reliance on your strength;
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.