Change is in the air

September 27th, 2013 by

Many thanks to the community for the welcome, support and friendship we have been shown during just over five years here. We take away many good memories. As we move to Mull, we look forward to the challenges of a different form of ministry.
The minister may be moving but the church is still here, supported by an Interim Moderator and a Locum Minister, both well known to many of you. We pray for God’s continued blessing on the parishes and all who live and visit in this area.
Liz & Martyn Gibson

Locum Minister – Rev John Shedden 01838 200535 for any pastoral requirements
Interim Moderator – Mr Donald MacKinnon 01631 562135 for anything regarding the vacancy

Travelling Tales

September 11th, 2013 by

Through a Facebook link I found out that Travelling Tales were looking for bloggers for six weeks of trying lower carbon transport options. So I sent off a short proposal and am delighted to have been accepted.
The plan is that once I’m based on Mull fulltime I’ll blog for that first six weeks. That is likely to include a fair bit of walking, some cycling, some car use (in my low emissions car which is now 5 years old), some shared car use, at least two different ferries, and possibly the train.  Should be finished hiring vans for the removal by then.
I would love to try an electric bike if anyone would like to lend me one for the duration! Or if you know where I could hire one cheaply and reasonably locally do let me know.

I’ll be pretty busy over the next three weeks finishing up in the parishes, saying goodbyes (not looking forward to that bit), etc. but I’m looking forward to blogging more, both for Travelling Tales and with a new blog for our new venture.  Will keep you posted …