Songs from the Shows

May 25th, 2013 by

Friday 7th June 7.30pm at St Conan’s.

st conans poster

Church Services – this week’s theme Science & Religion

May 2nd, 2013 by

Sunday 5th May

St Conan’s Kirk, Lochawe 9.00

Glenorchy Parish Church, Dalmally 10.00

Crianlarich Church 11.30

Theme: Science & Religion


Science Festival in Crianlarich

May 2nd, 2013 by

Middle of Scotland Science Festival


Crianlarich May 4 & 5

A new science festival in Crianlarich from the British Science Association, West Scotland

All events are Free!

Crianlarich Village Hall

Sat & Sun 10am-4pm

Science Fun

Hands-on science | the Energy Show |Cosmic Way Roadshow |Sungazing

Films|Planetarium shows and much more.

Crianlarich Parish Church

Sat & Sun10-4pm

Art meets Science Exhibitions and Film

Chips with Flair | Cosmic Way exhibition | Who has STEM Cells? | Unity Principle

Film:Torque- Energy and Wind Turbines explored in Music and Dance (Sun 12.45)

Station Tea Rooms

Sat & Sun10-4pm

CTR Wilson and The Cosmic Way

Find out more about Scotland’s only Nobel Prize winner in Physics

..try some Cosmic Snacks too!

Crianlarich Hotel

Sat 5 – 10pm

An evening of entertaining Science

Star Wars IV – a new hope, a special film screening and Science of Star Wars Talk, 5pm

Fun Quiz with a Science theme, 8pm

Crianlarich Youth Hostel

Sat from 10pm

Watching the Night Sky

Stargazing with University of Glasgow Astronomers

Check the website and twitter for latest information           @mossfest